The City of Arlington’s Ordinances are listed Alphabetically by main topic addressed in the Ordinance. Click on the corresponding number below to view the specific ordinance.
R-1 & R-2 Conditional Use | 193 | |
R-1 Residential District (Funeral Home Permitted Use) | 228 | |
R-1 Residential District (Rear Yard Setbacks) | 209 | |
R1-Ag/ R2-Ag District | 211 | |
Salaries, Mayor & Council | 208 | |
Septic Systems, Private Regulated | 201 | |
Sibley County Fairgrounds/ Racetrack (Use and Limitations) | 187 | |
Sibley East (Rezoning School Property) | 264 | |
Signs | 241 | |
Signs (Amended) | 260 | |
Signs (Amended II) | 302 | |
Snow Removal (Vehicle Parking/Parking Lots) | 216 | |
Snow/ Ice Removal on Sidewalks | 178 | |
Solar Energy Systems | 307 | |
Solar Energy Systems (Amended) | 312 | |
Solicitors and Peddlers | 198 | |
Solicitors and Peddlers (Amended) | 243 | |
Solid Waste Collection | 223 | |
Stormwater Drainage Utility | 304 | |
Stormwater Management | 258 | |
Stormwater Management (Amended) | 271 | |
Subdivision Ordinance | 168 | |
Subdivision Development (Lot Split/ Lots Combined) | 210 | |
Subdivision Development (Premature Development) | 221 | |
Subdivision Ordinance (Amended 12/4/2014) | 168A | |
Swimming Pools | 247 | |
Temporary Health Care Dwellings (Opt out) | 308 | |
Temporary Structures | 274 | |
Temporary Structures (Amended) | 296 | |
Tree Ordinance | 238 | |
Tree Ordinance ( Amended ) | 291 |