Boulevard Trees A boulevard is the portion of a public street right-of-way between the curb and a property owner’s front yard line. With this definition in place, it should be noted that any tree within a boulevard area is public property.
Boulevard trees must be maintained by the City to ensure that they are properly trimmed for structural integrity and disease control measures. Tree limbs within the right of way will be pruned by the City if they create a potential threat to public safety. As a general guideline, limbs will be trimmed to provide 10 feet clearance above sidewalks and 14 feet clearance over the street. These requirements provide clearance for pedestrians and snow and garbage removal equipment.
From time to time, decisions are made to remove specific boulevard trees. Attempts are made to notify property owners on the adjoining lot in advance of this action.
Removal of a tree within a boulevard by a resident is not permitted without first obtaining the express written permission of the city. Tree plantings shall conform to the minimum standards of ANSI Z60, the American Standard of Nursery Stock. Tree calipers shall be measured six inches above the root ball per ANSI Z60. The City will assist in staking out the location of the tree planting
Downed limbs from boulevard trees should be called to the attention of the Public Works Department by calling (507) 964-2378.
The City of Arlington has participated in the Tree City USA Program for the past seven years and is committed to maintaining a healthy and attractive urban forest.
Boulevard Tree Information
Boulevard Tree Ordinance
Tree Species Allowed
Tree Planting Guide
New Tree Watering Guide
Tree Care Helpful Hints
Why Prune Trees?
How to Prune
Tree Preservation Ordinance
Emerald Ash Borer
Arlington is a Tree City USA!